Wednesday, May 11, 2011


This is the painting that is hanging at

The Artery at Pink Dog Creative in the River Arts District
342 Depot Street
Asheville NC 28801

I also have a zine available. It illustrates the story behind the painting. These books are hand colored and signed and $10 each.

I painted the nesting dolls to add a dimensional element to the whole installation.

The whole series is called "Heartsore".

It is about a girl who gives her legs to her lover. He leaves her pregnant. She teaches the child to walk and gets left behind again.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

new growth....

I am participating in a group art show with some of my very favorite artists. We just installed today and it looks so amazing! Check out the lineup! the name of the show is "new growth" and the pieces are surprisingly spring like. It looks great.

I have been in a place where I am loving creating stories with my paintings. For this show I made a zine to go with the painting. It is a story in pictures that describe the image on the canvas. Each zine is hand colored and signed, they are only $10 each people! I also made a 3 dimensional piece to go with it....It is a surprise! I will post pics later, but for now you have to go to the upcoming show to see it.

Here are a couple sample images from the zine, these are the black and white images before they were touched up with color.

come to the show!